A couple of weeks ago I wrote an animal report because we were learning how to record our information we had researcherd in an easy way other people could understand well. When it came time to pick an animal I picked koalas because of their cute fluffy fur and adorable feature like cute little. I loved writing this report and I feel like it is going to be my favourite piece of writing for the and I hope you will enjoy it as well.
A koala is a fluffy clawed creature who loves eucalyptus and taking naps. A Koala only prefers 30 kinds of eucalyptus out of the 650, that's a lot of eucalyptus. The word Koala in the aboriginal language means no drink and like kangaroos their babies are called joeys. Their scientific name is phascolarctos cinereus. Koalas have predators like dingoes and owls and they are herbivore’s which means they eat only plants and they can live up to 20 years in the wild.
A Koala has two thumbs on its front claws and an extremely supportive bit which helps them to make a comfortable home in the trees. Their grey fur helps them in the trees so the predators have trouble finding them. They are not bears even though the phrase is a koala bear, they are actually marsupials and are closer to wombats then bears and their fingerprints are almost identical to a humans fingerprints.
Most Koalas are now only found in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and South Australia. At the top of eucalyptus trees. In New South Wales koalas are slowly becoming extinct because of deforestation.
Koalas can sleep up to 22 hours a day which means that it spends 90 percent sleeping and 10 percent eating. Baby koalas are to cute, a baby koala spends six months in their mom's pouch and then spend six months riding on their mother's back only using the pouch for eating and sleeping and a koala's pouch goes down instead of up so that baby can reach the milk. A Koala can eat upto a kilogram of eucalyptus which is surprising because eucalyptus is poisonous for most animals.These cuddly cute creatures don’t deserve to be extinct so before we must help them so they can live in peace once again.
Written by Emma Ruelens